Saturday, December 19, 2009

Finally some exciting news to BLOG about!

We had a MAJOR earthquake!  It was scary!  PRAISE JESUS I was not inside my 12th floor apt when it hit.  I would have been even more scared and probably sobbing.  Luckily I was outside, on the ground, with Cassandra and Jacque in the city.  We were just walking around where everyone hangs out at night when it hit.  It was a big one even for the Taiwanese.  Some people were screaming.  I found out it was a 6.8...aaahh!  It just kept going and going and getting scarier.  My mind was racing and I was like "we're standing under this tree and that can't be safe.  What do they do in movies?  Oh, they go stand in a door frame."  So I walked to go stand in the closest thing and Jacque was like "what are you doing?  Get away from there!"  Turns out my "door frame" was the entrance to a small little outdoor seating shelter that probably would have come down before the tree would have, haha.  I was panicking though and didn't know what to do.  The stone path we were walking on was broken after from the tree roots.  I am glad to know that even after an earthquake of that size everything in our apartment was okay.  Nothing huge fell over, just my pictures frames and books and stuff in my bathroom.  So now I know the bigger items in our apt can withstand a good-sized quake.

However, when Cassandra and I did arrive back at our place there were fire engines outside.  Some pulled up right as  I did and I was watching to see what they were doing.  They got off the truck and started looking up at the balconies.  I was like Oh My Gosh someone fell off the balcony!  But again, praise Jesus, that was not the case.  Long story short a guy on the first floor ran outside during the earthquake and heard something hit the ground, then he smelled gas.  It turned out to be an empty gas tank that fell off of someone's balcony.  But all everyone kept hearing was gas leak and we had to stay down in the lobby for 30-40mins while the firemen got the whole thing sorted out.  (For those of you outside of Taiwan we have 2 gas tanks on our balcony, one for the stove and one for the water.  So it's not an odd thing that an empty gas tank fell off of someone's balcony)

I'm now up to 5 on the aftershock count which almost doubles the number of quakes I've felt since I got here.  I'm going to put pictures up tomorrow and check out the news websites to make sure it wasn't worse than it seems but I don't believe it was bad enough for buildings to be destroyed or casualties.  Still, very very...VERY scary!

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